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Mr. Spoden visits Schleissheim
Mr. Peter Spoden revisits the Schleissheim airfield on the 28/29th April 2007
for the first time after 62 years.
Having been one of the last fighters at the airfield Mr. Spoden had surrendered the village and the
airfield to the approaching Americans without a fight.

Mr. Spoden befittingly arrives in Schleissheim with his son on 28th April 2007 in a Piper PA-28.

Much has changed during the last 62 years but Mr. Spoden, now 82, is still in good health and jumps
from the plane to be heartily greeted by the mayor Mrs. Ziegler.

Being one of the few surviving protagonists of the 28/29th April Mr. Spoden is a revered guest of
honour at this 2 day event in Unterschleissheim and Oberschleissheim on this sunny weekend exactly
62 years later. His visit will call back the memories at many places and turn back time.
An April weekend that will surely be remembered by all participants and by Mr. Spoden as well.

The society of the Bayerische Flugzeug Historiker e. V. (B.F.H. - Bavarian Aviation Historians)
is one of the hosts of this event and has done delivered background information by intense research
efforts. Here Mr. Spoden is welcomed by a B.F.H. representative, Mr. Gröger, who will his
personal adjutant for the next 2 days and will escort him through the programme.

Mr. Spoden, after having been released from war captivity, had been a pilot for the Lufthansa and
knows to fly under all circumstances. This weekend however he entrusts his son with the flight,
who is clearly just as reliable.

Mr. Spoden jun. was greeted just as heartily by the more contemporary successor of the air field
commandant, Mr. Huettinger, the chairman of the Flugplatz Schleissheim e.V. now being in charge of
the airfield. Immediately the conversation turns to the one topic amongst airmen: the world between
the clouds.

The greeting squad awaiting the arrival of Mr. Spoden. Meanwhile other members of the team secretly
disappear to carry out the different parts of the programme, a tour for the local press.

Entry into the golden book (VIP guest book) of the airfield.

"Nach genau 62 Jahren wieder in Schleißheim, dem Ort unserer Übergabe und Gefangenschaft".
Peter Spoden, I. NJG 6, April 28/29. 2007
(After exactly 62 years back im Schleissheim, the place of our surrender and captivity, Peter Spoden, I NJG 6, April 28/29th 2007)

As an appropriate car provided by Königlich Bayrische Oldtimerfreunde Schleissheim e.V.
(Royal Bavarian Vintage Car Club) a Ford Tin Lizzy convertible is ready to drive the guests of honour,
accompanied by the two chairmen of each of the societies. As a backup for the worst case or a spell
of bad weather a Mercedes Coupé is waiting, but the aged Ford never failed.

Before the inspection of the old emplacement of the Spoden unit on the northern edge of the Berglwald
the whole team gathers for a picture: The director of the Unterschleissheim Heimatmuseum, father and
son Spoden, the representatives of the B.F.H. and the Königlich Bayrische Oldtimerfreunde
Schleissheim e.V (Royal Bavarian Vintage Car Club Schleissheim).

Hr. Spoden and Mr. Braun inspect the area near the wood, where the defence emplacements are presumed.
Of course the area has changed in time. Unterschleissheim is now a big city in the north of Munich.
But the place seems to be the right one, even after 62 years Mr. Spoden remembers certain landmarks
that can still be distinguished.

As memory freshens Mr. Spoden recounts of the many experiences of his time as a pilot and officer in
Schleissheim. To Mr. Braun, the chairman of the B.F.H., this all adds up to the picture.
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