B. F. H.
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April 2007: 62 years ago:
World War II ends in Schleissheim
A weekend in April, 62 years ago. Schleissheim was surrendered to the approaching 45th Infantry Division without a fight. In 2007 history came to life
The historical events began with the “Battle of Lohhof”, one of the last battles before taking Munich, the "Hauptstadt der Bewegung“ (capital of the movement). From the bank of Inhausen the area of the Dachauer Moos was surveyed.

Inhausen, situated on the northern fringe of the Dachauer Moos. The flat moor in the north gradually rises towards the tertiary Dachauer hill country. Here the approach of the U.S. Army towards Lohhof began. The picture shows Inhausen in April, surrounded by blooming rapeseed fields.
On the historical weekend of April 28/29 the GIs put up a proper stile field camp in Unterschleissheim. The Soldiers carry along everything they need to ensure a comfortable night.

Bustle amidst vehicles and tents on a hot and sunny spring day in Unterschleissheim.

Proud owners of the two Harleys exchanging experience and reminiscing the wonderful time spent with historical motorbikes.

The Dodge WC 51 came to Europe along with the American troops 1944/45. It was mainly used as a troops transporter. Just as the Willis Jeep it is an unforgotten part of military history. Here we see it posed as a central part in the historical staging of the events of 1945.

The 45th Inf. Div. arrived with a complete field camp to spend the night befittingly.

The field camp is prepared for the night even a siren for air raids is put up. By end of April the U.S. Army Air Force had complete command of the air. German fighters no longer fly because of lack of petrol. The airfield Schleissheim close by is therefore no threat.

GIs fill the field camp and camp life begins. A peaceful picture, quite unlike the situation 62 years ago, when one of the last battles was yet to come.

Two Harley Davidson dating back to the 1940s add to the fleet of the GIs in the field camp of the 45th Inf. Div. The break preceding the next operation is used for maintenance.

Wherever there is a historical presentation of WWII the Willis Jeep must not be missing. It is the identification mark of the Americans on the European stage.

Wherever there are GIs the Star Spangled Banner must be. Awaiting the oncoming ceremonies the banner is prepared to ensure a befitting performance.

On a camp bed under the open sky in the year 2007 enthusiastically the GIs relived the times of 62 years ago. The original and historically true equipment is quite different to the modern functional fabrics but that doesn’t diminish the fun.
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Last modified: January 15th, 2011
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